Module Ressources V-1-7-7-1 Display Ressources used for this id André DUMAS for Webtrees Jul 2016 rev 31 JUL 2016 ================================================================= = V-1-7-7-1 for Webtrees 1.7.7 and + 31-07-2016 = ================================================================= YOU CAN SEE THE MODULES on my site: Choose a favorite even if you are no a member On the welcome page there is link to download all my own modules ================================================================ ------------------------------------ V-1-7-2 List ressources used for this id if places are in the Facts tab. 3 kind of ressources : national and local displayed if places are located specific ressources for this id always displyed V-1-7-4-1 MAY 2016 chane stucture of the module update table Status of the ressource to display or not V-1-7-4-2 13 JUN 2016 Fix a bug in res perso V-1-7-6-1 05 JUL 2016 Fix a bug (big!!) on admin page V-2-7-7-1 31-07-2016 Just a change to do that ressources be available fr all the tres/genealogies To install it: Unzip zip file in /modules_v3/ Creation of the table ** ressources Automatic creation after a test of exiqstence of the table You can fill the table in the administration page or/and in the ressources tab for the specific ressources if you are administrator André DUMAS for Webtrees May 2016 ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------